2011 Riparian Project

7th graders Darby, Michael, Dalton S., and Dalton B., helped organize the 2011 Riparian Project in conjunction with the Illinois River Watershed Partnership and the Arkansas Forestry Commission.  They boys, along with community and school volunteers, planted over 800 trees along the banks of the Illinois River inside the property boundary lines of the Battlefield Park.  The roots of these trees will strentghten the river banks which will slow down the effects of erosion and they will also filter out pollutants that are carried in the water.  Great Job Team!!!

About Me

I am a teacher, a wife, and a mother of two wonderful boys. In my spare time, I take professional photographs (www.expressionsphotographynwa.com), I enjoy reading, swimming, and spending time with my family. We are die hard Naturals fans and we enjoy going to the games as much as possible. I have two dogs, a lot of cows, no cats, two moles in my yard that are destroying my flower beds, and I sing in my school's 'rock band'. Whew, now you know a little bit more about me:)